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Dec 2019:Ben Brownlee joins Teledyne Scientific Company. Congratulations!
Nov 2019:The Flux Lab has a strong showing at IMECE 2019 in Salt Lake City with Ben Brownlee, Aaron Bame, Ernest Lee, Rydge Mulford, Sam Avila and Kyle Meaker presenting.
Sep 2019:Shaur Humayun joins the Flux Lab as a PhD student studying condensation at superhydrophobic surfaces.
Aug 2019:Rydge Mulford joins the faculty at the University of Dayton. Congratulations!
Aug 2019:Dr. Iverson presents work regarding condensation at superhydrophobic surfaces at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany.
Jul 2019:Dr. Iverson is promoted to the rank of Associate Professor. Congratulations!
Jun 2019:Dr. Iverson, Aaron Bame and Joe Furner visit the Hunter power plant in Castledale, UT identifying conditions of operation for a replicate model.
Jun 2019:Rydge Mulford defends his dissertation and completes his PhD degree. Congratulations!
May 2019:Dr. Iverson presents work regarding condensation at superhydrophobic surfaces at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
May 2019:Austin Foster defends his thesis and completes his M.S. degree. Congratulations!
Apr 2019:Derric Syme defends his thesis and completes his M.S./MBA degree. Congratulations!
Jan 2019:Sam Avila joins the Flux Lab as an MS student studying thermal gradient gas chromatography.
Jan 2019:Dr. Iverson is given the Outstanding Research Award for the BYU Mechanical Engineering Department during 2018.
Jan 2019:The study of solar-thermal augmentation of the Hunter power plant gets underway.


Dec 2018:Kim Stevens begins her post-doctoral position at Purdue University working in biofluids.
Dec 2018:The Flux Lab secures funding from PacifiCorp and the State of UT to investigate solar augmentation of coal-fired power plants.
Nov 2018:Rydge Mulford presents his deployable radiator experimentation results from NASA at the International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition in Pittsburg, PA.
Nov 2018:Kim Stevens presents her work on droplet distribution modeling at the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics conference in Atlanta, GA.
Sep 2018:Our work in condensation at superhydrophobic surfaces was awarded funding from the NSF Particulate and Multiphase Processes Program.
Aug 2018:Dr. Iverson presented our radiative cooling work using origami structured surfaces at the International Heat Transfer Conference in Beijing, China.
Aug 2018:Aaron Bame joins the Flux Lab as an MS student studying a solar-augmented, coal-fired power plant.
Jun 2018:Ben Brownlee presented our work with carbon biosensors (for glucose monitoring and oral cancer detection) at the World Congress on Biosensors in Miami, FL.
Jun 2018:Rydge Mulford advances his work at JPL in the advanced deployables structures group on a summer internship.
Jun 2018:Congratulations to Ben Brownlee and Kim Stevens for receiving Utah NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowships for the 2018-2019 academic year.
May 2018:Rydge Mulford completes the NASA-funded, collapsible radiator test at Goddard.
May 2018:Ernest Lee joins the Flux Lab as an MS student studying directional properties of origami surfaces.
Mar 2018:Congratulations to Kim Stevens for having her paper accepted in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer by Elsevier (link).
Mar 2018:Dr. Iverson received the NSF CAREER Award in the Thermal Transport Processes Program.
Feb 2018:Congratulations to Ben Brownlee for securing an internship at AFRL Albuquerque, NM this summer.
Feb 2018:Congratulations to Kim Stevens for securing an position at the Science of Signatures, Advanced Studies Institute a Los Alamos National Laboratories this April.
Feb 2018:Congratulations to Jacob Butterfield and Josh Cannon for being selected to receive a BYU ORCA grant to perform undergraduate research.
Jan 2018:The Flux Lab in collaboration with researchers in chemistry and ECE received a grant to study heat transfer in gas chromatography.


Nov 2017:Rydge Mulford presents his work at ASME IMECE in Tampa, FL.
Nov 2017:Kim Stevens presents her work at the APS Fluid Division meeting in Denver, CO.
Aug 2017:Rydge Mulford presents his work at NASA Thermal & Fluid Analysis Workshop in Tampa, FL.
Aug 2017:Rydge Mulford presents his work at the Air Force Research Lab in Albuquerque NM.
Jun 2017:Congratulations to Ben Brownlee and Kim Stevens for receiving Utah NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowships for the 2017-2018 academic year.
May 2017:Austin Foster joins the Flux Lab as an MS student studying thermal gradient gas chromatography.
Mar 2017:Dr. Iverson presents on "Transport enhancement with surface topography," at Duke University.
Feb 2017:Congratulations to Ben Brownlee for having his first academic paper accepted in the Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical journal by Elsevier (link).
Feb 2017:Congratulations Kim Stevens on placing at the 3MT contest at both the department and college competitions.
Feb 2017:Congratulations to Taylor Davis for being selected to receive a BYU ORCA grant to perform undergraduate research.


Dec 2016:The Flux Lab in collaboration with researchers in chemistry and ECE receives a grant to study heat transfer in gas chromatography.
Nov 2016:Kim Stevens presents her work at the APS Fluid Division meeting in Portland, OR.
Nov 2016:Rydge Mulford presents his ray tracing work with Michael Farnsworth at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition in Phoenix, AZ.
Nov 2016:Rydge Mulford presents his work on origami-based variable radiators as a part of a NASA webinar series.
Oct 2016:Congratulations to Rydge Mulford in passing his prospectus defense.
Jul 2016:Ben Brownlee presents his work on convective enhanced sensing at the ASME International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels in Washington, DC.
Jul 2016:Dr. Iverson presents his vision regarding surface topology and its influence on heat and mass transfer at NASA Goddard.
Jun 2016:Congratulations to Ben Brownlee and Kim Stevens for receiving Utah NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowships for the 2016-2017 academic year.
May 2016:The Flux Lab in collaboration with researchers in ECE receives a NASA USIP grant to design, build and launch a Cubesat into space in 2017.
Mar 2016:Congratulations to Michael Farnsworth and Kim Stevens for receiving AFRL internships this summer as a part of the Phillips Scholars Program and Universities Space Research Association (USRA).
Feb 2016:Congratulations to Michael Farnsworth for receiving an ORCA fellowship from BYU.
Jan 2016:Congratulations to Mitchell Blanc for publishing his IR visualization images for origami radiators in the Journal of Heat Transfer.


Dec 2015:Congratulations to Kim Stevens for passing her prospectus defense!
Nov 2015:Kim Stevens presents her work at the APS Fluid Division meeting in Boston, MA.
Oct 2015:Congratulations to Rydge Mulford in publishing his first journal article in the Journal of Heat Transfer.
Aug 2015:ACS Nano interviewed Dr. Iverson and Dr. Claussen for their podcast. You can listen to the interview here. (link)
Aug 2015:Loved the following video about the new engineering building breaking ground next year. We are a part of something great happening at BYU! (link)
Jul 2015:Dr. Iverson and Kevin Marr were interviewed by Julie Rose for the BYU Radio program: Top of the Mind. Listen to the broadcast regarding propulsion for micro underwater vehicles (link)
Jun 2015:Kim Stevens was awarded a Utah NASA Space Grant Consortium fellowship for the 2015-2016 academic year.
Jun 2015:Congratulations to Kevin Marr in publishing his first journal article in ACS Nano (IF: 12.88). (link)
Jun 2015:Congratulations to Kim Stevens who successfully defended her MS thesis on vocal fold models and characterization methods.
Jun 2015:Congratulations to Kevin Marr who successfully defended his thesis on catalytic nano/microstructures using high aspect ratio CNT scaffolds.
Jun 2015:We welcome Ben Brownlee as he officially begins his work as a doctoral student. He was also awarded a college fellowship as a new PhD student.
May 2015:Rydge Mulford was awarded a NASA Space Technology Research Fund Fellowship for his continued studies of radiation properties of origami structures.
May 2015:Kim Stevens and Rydge Mulford present their work at the Utah NASA Space Grant Consortium fellowship symposium (May 12, 2015), held at the Leonardo in SLC.
Apr 2015:Rydge Mulford is awarded a BYU Graduate Studies fellowship for the 2015-2016 academic year.
Feb 2015:Ben Brownlee and Carson Storey are awarded undergraduate ORCA scholarships for their work on carbon nanotube scaffolds for chemical sensing.
Jan 2015:Rydge Mulford wins the Mechanical Engineering Department and Engineering College Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competitions.


Nov 2014:Kevin Marr presents his fabrication and propulsion work at the annual APS Fluids Division meeting in San Francisco.
Oct 2014:The Flux Lab was awarded NASA EPSCoR funding for their work on dynamic control of radiative properties using origami.
Oct 2014:The Army Research Lab and NASA Goddard will host Dr. Iverson for a technical presentation of work performed in the Flux Lab.
Sep 2014:Kim Stevens officially begins her PhD work with the Flux Lab.
Aug 2014:Congratulations to Kevin Marr on his marriage!
Jul 2014:Rydge Mulford was awarded Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowship for the 2014-2015 academic year. Congratulations Rydge!
May 2014:Derric Syme and Rydge Mulford officially begin their graduate degrees.
Mar 2014:Origami presentation well-received at the Spacecraft Thermal Control Workshop hosted by the Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, CA.
Jan 2014:Renewable Energy Global Innovation Series featured our work as a key scientific article (link).